Visual Coaching & Thought Partnering

Visual coaching and thought partnering are two different genres, however, they are represented here together because they have commonalities. In both instances, I create visuals "for" clients, often in real time, during conversations with them about their work, their dreams, and/or their concerns.

The visuals created help individuals to literally "see" what they are talking about. Often, this "seeing" leads to deeper understand of their own thinking. The visuals are created on working walls with pens, pastels, and post-its until meaning and clarity emerge, at which point the work might be refined and consolidated, for instance, into a personal vision image (as the sample shows here) and/or into digital renderings for further use, as is the case in some samples shown below (model building).

In this work, I draw from my training and experience in intercultural communication, NLP, integral coaching, and graphic facilitation. The work requires multiple skills that need to cohere in systemic understanding of the "whole" the client presents, so that the parts can be highlighted for investigation and then re-integrated into a new whole.

Visual Coaching

Below listed are examples of Visual Coaching panels from various sessions for different purposes — personal development, development of research projects for grant submissions, templates for personal visioning, etc.

Visual Thought Partnering

Below listed are examples of Conceptual Mapping, helping individuals to clarify their thinking, such as authors working on their theory and graduate students working on their theses and dissertations. Live mapping sessions lead to final products.
